Lena Mama Yayıncılık


1st Grade Activities and Studies, Maths

Addition Subtraction Activity-1 Addition Subtraction Activity-2 Clock Making Activity Collection Event-1 Collection Event-2 Rhythmic Counting and Writing Backwards by Fives and Tens Rhythmic Counting Activity Backward from 100 Fives and Tens Rhythmic Forward Counting Activity Writing Numbers Between 0-100 Activity Learning Geometric Shapes Activity I'm Learning Numbers (Dotted, Colored) Ten and Unit Transactions Activity Geometric Shapes Activity with Puzzle and Coloring Collection Procedures... Addition Subtraction Activity-12 Subtraction Operations (Turtle Painted) Activity-3 Addition Problems Activities Collection operations events Extraction Operations Events Rhythmic Counting Activities My Addition Problems Activity-2 My Addition Problems Activity-3 Ten and Unit Operations Activity-2 Clock Coloring Activities My Colored Collection Activity-12 2017-2018 Writing Numbers with Upright Basic Letters 2017-2018 Writing Numbers with Upright Basic Letters I'm Learning the Number 0 I'm Learning the Number 1 I'm Learning the Number 2 I'm Learning the Number 10 I'm Learning the Number 9 I'm Learning the Number 8 I'm Learning the Number 7 I'm Learning the Number 6 I'm Learning the Number 5 I'm Learning the Number 4 I'm Learning the Number 3 I'm Learning the Number 2 Learning Numbers from 1 to 20 Activity-10 Learning Numbers from 1 to 20 Activity-5 My Rhythmic Counting Activities-5 My Rhythmic Counting Activities-4 Rhythmic Counting Activity-10 in 5 5 Rhythmic Counting Activity-11 Rhythmic Counting Activity-12 in 5 5 Rhythmic Counting Activity-13 Rhythmic Counting Activity by 10-10 Rhythmic Counting Activity by 10-11 Rhythmic Counting Activity by 10-13 Rhythmic Counting Activity by 1 Person from 1 to 20-10 Rhythmic Counting Activity by 1 Person from 1 to 20-11 Rhythmic Counting Activity by 1 Person from 1 to 20-12 Rhythmic Counting Activity by 1 Person from 1 to 20-13 Rhythmic Counting Activity by 1 Person from 1 to 20-14 My Rhythmic Counting Activity from 1 to 100-10 My Rhythmic Counting Activity from 1 to 100-11 My Rhythmic Counting Activity from 1 to 100-12 My Rhythmic Counting Activity from 1 to 100-13 My Rhythmic Counting Activity from 1 to 100-14 My Rhythmic Counting Activity from 1 to 100-9 My Rhythmic Counting Activity from 1 to 100-8 RHYTHMIC COUNTING ACTIVITY FROM 20 TO 1 RER - 10 RHYTHMIC COUNTING ACTIVITY FROM 20 TO 1 RER-11 RHYTHMIC COUNTING ACTIVITY FROM 20 TO 1 RER-12 My Tens and Ones Activities-10 My Tens and Ones Activities-15 My Ten and One Events-20 Rhythmic Counting Activities Calendar Information Event Completion to 10 and Addition Activity Round to 20 and Addition Activity Rounding to 20 and Addition Activity-2 Colored Collecting Activities Colored Subtraction Activities Addition Operations Without Carrying with Two-Digit Numbers-10 Addition Operations Without Carrying with Two-Digit Numbers-11 Addition Operations Without Carrying with Two-Digit Numbers-12 Addition Operations Without Carrying with Two-Digit Numbers-13 Addition Operations Without Carrying with Two-Digit Numbers-14 Ten and Unity Events-10 Rhythmic Counting Activity by 2's and 5's Subtraction Operations Colored Activity Rhythmic Counting Activities by 2 Ten and Unity Events-11 Tens and Ones Writing Activities -10 Tens and Ones Writing Activities -11 Tens and Ones Writing Activities -12 Tens and Ones Writing Activities -13 Our Coins Event-5 Our Coins Event-6 Geometric Shapes Activity-1 Geometric Shapes Activity-2 Geometric Shapes Activity-3 Geometric Shapes Activity-4 Non-Standard Units of Measurement Activity Addition Problems Activity-20 Ten and Unity Events-18 Ten and Unity Events-19 Addition Operations with Two-Digit Numbers-13 Geometric Objects Activity-5 Our Coins Event-4 Fractions Activity-5 Fractions (Whole, Half) Activity-3 Ten and Unity Events-15 Ten and Unity Events-14 Ten and Unity Events-13 Addition Subtraction Problems-20 Addition Subtraction Problems-22 Non-Standard Length Measurements Activity-7 Addition and Subtraction Problems Addition and Subtraction Exercises Shopping Problems Fractions Activity-6 Ten and One Activities-8 Ten and Unity Events-9 Rhythmic Counting Activities Gathering Events Fun Addition Series Fun Subtraction Series Clocks Activity-1 Number Operations and Addition Activity Subtraction Operations and Puzzle Activities Addition Operations and Puzzle Activities Finding the Added Not Given Activity

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