I Read and Write Audio Based 1st Fascicle ELAKİN
The Audio-Based I Read, I Write, Reading and Writing Set, prepared by the Ministry of National Education, was prepared to enable students in need of special education to strengthen their hand-eye coordination in the field of reading and writing, develop their visual and auditory perception skills, understand what they read/listen to, write down what is said, write by looking, and read fluently. The set also allows students to "answer questions about the sentence-text they read, complete the missing parts of the sentence correctly, gain sound-syllable-letter-word-sentence and text knowledge, and comment on what they read." It is aimed to eliminate the difficulties they experience in many areas such as. "Audio Based I Read and Write" prepared by the General Directorate of Special Education and Guidance Services. The sets are published on our website for educational and informational purposes.