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2020-2021 Academic Year MEB Work Calendar

2020 2021 MEB Work Calendar

2020-2021 Academic Year MEB Work (Work Calendar) Calendar 1- In the 2020-2021 academic year; a) The first term will start on Monday, September 7, 2020 and end on Friday, January 17, 2021. b) Pre-school, first grade primary school, 5th grade students of secondary and religious secondary schools, preparatory class and 9th grade students who will start education and training in secondary education institutions, and students who will stay in hostels; Adaptation training will be held on 03-04 September 2020 in order to inform students about the school they will study at, to support their academic and professional development, and to help students adapt to the new educational environment they have entered in a short time. 1st Term Midterm Break 18 November 2020 – 22 November 2020 c) The first semester midterm break will start on Monday, November 18, 2020 and end on Friday, November 22, 2020. Semester Break 17 January 2021 – February 3, 2021 c) The semester break will start on Monday, January 20, 2021 and end on Friday, January 31, 2021. d) The second term will start on Monday, February 3, 2021 and end on Friday, June 19, 2021. 2nd Term Midterm Break 6 April 2021 – April 10, 2021 e) The second semester break will start on Monday, April 6, 2021 and end on Friday, April 10, 2020. 2- The study calendar of the academic year is prepared according to the "Mill" published in the Journal of Announcements dated 16/12/1996 and numbered 2467, taking into account the dates stated above. Working Calendar of Formal and Non-Formal Education Institutions of the Ministry of Education” It will be regulated by the governorships according to the sample principles. 2021 MEB CALENDAR Preparation of students in pre-school, first grade of primary school, secondary school and 5th grade of imam hatip secondary schools for education and training 03-04 September 2019 Beginning of the 2019-2020 Academic Year is Monday, 07 September 2019 Republic Day Thursday, October 29, 2019 Atatürk Commemoration Day and Atatürk Week 10 -16 November 2020 The date of the 5-day break in the first semester is 16-20 November 2020 New Year's Holiday Friday, January 01, 2021 Term Break 18 January – 29 January 20211. Term End Friday, 15 January 2021 2nd Semester Start Monday, 01 February 2021 The date of the 5-day break in the second semester is 05-9 April 2021 April 23 National Sovereignty and Children's Day Friday, April 23, 2021 May 1 Labor and Solidarity Day Saturday, May 1, 2021 19 May Commemoration of Atatürk and Youth and Sports Day Wednesday, 19 May 2021 Ramadan Feast 12 -15 May End of 2020-2021 Academic Year Friday, June 18, 2021
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