3 December World Disability Day Reading Comprehension Event
3 December World Disability Day Reading Comprehension Event Studies have been carried out by the United Nations to ensure the full and equal participation of disabled people in social life with other individuals. In this context, December 3 was declared as the International Day of Persons with Disabilities in order to draw attention to the problems of disabled people and to better understand them. By organizing various events in our country, it is aimed to ensure equality of opportunity and respect for differences in areas such as education, health and working life, and to raise social awareness by drawing attention to how important access to technology and information as well as spatial access is for these individuals. Let's not forget that disability brings difficult living conditions for the individual and his family, and we have a responsibility to help them cope with the problems they experience. Therefore, let's work together every day to make their lives easier in every field and to understand them every day of the year. Let's embrace life together in a stronger country with tolerance, love and respect.