4th Grade Summer School Mathematics Program Plan
Application Principles of the Program Apart from the achievements determined in line with the program features, teachers can add achievements from the relevant programs or exclude the determined achievements by taking into account the individual differences and environmental characteristics of the students. It is planned to implement 12 lesson hours each week. Depending on the characteristics of the application groups, the course hours to be allocated to the achievements are determined by the teachers. The suggestions included in the learning process are structured in a way that allows students to experience the achievements in a concrete way by associating them with their daily lives. In the learning process, methods and techniques based on the active participation of the student are included, such as research, travel-observation, modeling, model creation, keeping a diary, and making presentations. Where the achievement explanations are deemed sufficient for the determined outcomes, suggestions for the learning processes are not included. Practitioner teachers can plan the learning process according to students' readiness and environmental conditions. Materials related to learning processes are included in the "Achievements and Implementation Plan" and these materials can be used in educational environments to support learning. Alternative assessment approaches such as peer and self-assessment are used to evaluate students during the program implementation process. www.mustafa-turan.com At the end of the program, a mathematics festival will be held where the products created during the learning processes will be exhibited, allowing students to make peer and self-evaluation.