Lena Mama Yayıncılık

Abstract and Concrete Nouns Activity-5

Abstract and Concrete Nouns Activity-5

Every living or non-living thing we see in nature has a name. Every invisible feeling and thought also has a name. Beings are divided into two according to their names; 1- Concrete Nouns (Nouns) 2- Abstract Nouns (Nouns) Concrete nouns are the names of entities that we can feel with our sense organs (sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch). Example: table, pencil, tree, door, desk, notebook. Concrete nouns mean entities that are visible to everyone. Abstract nouns are the names of entities that do not exist in material form, that is, things that we cannot see or touch. Abstract means names that cannot be seen, touched or felt. Example: Love, affection, morality, good, bad, happiness, courage, fear, etc.
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