Lena Mama Yayıncılık

Ataturk's Way March

Ataturk's Way! Every thought is sublime in a line of longing, This path is the path of humanity, the path of ATATÜRK. It is full of the principle of "peace at home, peace in the world". Love is the earth, power is Anatolia. The great Turk, who became legendary for the ages, reaches out, Our joy of life is the great leader ATATÜRK. The call of the century is this sweet dream, holy labor, We are on firm steps, our path is forever. Our feelings are one, our love is one, our ideal is one, our oath is one, Living ATATÜRK, singing about ATATÜRK. The great Turk, who became legendary for the ages, reaches out, Our joy of life is the great leader ATATÜRK.

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