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Corona Virus Information Event

Corona Virus Information Event

Corona Virus Information Event Corona Virus is a virus that causes diseases in mammals such as humans and birds. Corona Virus can sometimes cause respiratory infections that pose a risk of death in people. The virus, which affects the respiratory, digestive and excretory organs, is more active in spring and autumn. What are the symptoms of Corona Virus? Respiratory problems and colds, loss of appetite and weight loss, fever, fatigue and stagnation… How is Corona Virus Transmitted? According to research, the Corona virus is transmitted through contact from areas such as the mouth, eyes and nose. How to Protect from Corona Virus? You should wash your hands regularly with soap and water for at least 1 minute. You should avoid shaking hands, hugging and kissing. When you cough or sneeze, your mouth and nose should be covered with a tissue, or if a tissue is not available, you should cover it with the inside of your elbow. You should pay attention to your personal hygiene. You should definitely burn your hands before and after using the toilet. You should not touch your face with your hands frequently. You can reduce your risk of infection by using alcohol-containing hygiene products such as cologne. In addition to a balanced and regular diet, you should be careful to consume plenty of fluids. When you encounter symptoms of respiratory system infection such as fever, cough, sneezing, runny nose, you should contact a healthcare provider without delay.
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