Lena Mama Yayıncılık

Enes Reading Comprehension Activity


Hz. The Prophet treated Enes, who grew up next to him, very well. This made Enes very happy, and he loved him more and more every day. Enes, Hz. He describes how the Prophet treated him as follows: “I served the Messenger of Allah for 9-10 years. Once he told me &;ugh&; He didn't say. I never say "Why did you do that?" about a job I did, and "What if you did that!" about a job I didn't do. or &;You failed, what a bad thing you did!&; I didn't hear you say that. In ten years, he has never given me a job that would have been difficult for me. He didn't get angry at me or condemn me when I failed at something and failed. In fact, when someone from his family wanted to reproach me about something, I blocked them and said: "Leave him alone!" If he had been appreciated to do so, he would have definitely done it&; he said.”
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