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Kendoku Event-14

Kendoku Event-14

Kendoku; It is also known as Kenken, Mathdoku, Calcudoku. Kendoku is a game based on arithmetic and logic invented by Japanese Mathematics Teacher Tetsuya Miyamoto in 2004. Kendoku's 3×3 4×4 5×5 6×6 … There are also trailers. Kendoku puzzles are not only fun, but also a tool that improves the concentration, logical and arithmetic skills of those who solve them. Kendoku, with its structure based on mathematical operations, is a mind game that people of all ages can understand and solve without difficulty, and can think about to develop different solution techniques. Kendoku has some things in common with Sudoku. Both are solved by logically placing numbers in the given cells. But Kendoku, unlike Sudoku, is a mind game based on mathematical operations.
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