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Maze Puzzle Activities-45

Maze Puzzle Activities-45

Maze Puzzle Activities Series Concentrating one's mental power on any object or event is called attention. Attention is the mental effort made to learn, understand or grasp something. There can be no learning without attention. It is not possible to learn new information, perform an action, or work efficiently without paying attention. Attention is necessary for the proper functioning of our other cognitive skills, which is why a disruption in attention processes can make it difficult to carry out any daily activity. Lack of attention also causes a person to feel reluctance, indifference and boredom towards working. Every person has great inner potential. However, everyone can benefit from this potential to the extent they can concentrate. Concentrating the brain on a single subject allows the brain power to be released. As soon as you can fully concentrate your brain on something, the power of consciousness and subconsciousness combine and direct towards the target. Wherever interest is, energy flows there. Concentration is achieved by focusing attention and therefore energy on a single point. Being able to mentally focus on a subject for a certain period of time is called concentration. People who can fully devote themselves to any job and continue to do so until the job is completed can learn more topics and solve problems more effectively in a shorter time. Attention and concentration ability are an indispensable requirement for success. Getting bored easily while studying, daydreaming unconsciously while listening and reading, not being able to remember the places studied when necessary, making mistakes due to carelessness, not being able to implement the personal decisions we make are largely caused by lack of attention and not being able to concentrate enough. There are various types of attention and each type of attention has different functions. Here are some of the types of attention we need most in our daily lives. Passive Attention It occurs under the influence of direct external influences, such as attention caused by a constantly recurring, sudden, moving stimulus, or a violent explosion. In such cases, the person involuntarily pays attention to the stimulus. The person does not make any effort to pay attention to the stimulus directed towards him. Active Attention It is attention that we achieve with a physical and psychological effort. It's like the attention we use when watching a movie on TV, studying, or looking for someone we know in a crowd. Selective Attention It refers to a person's tendency to focus on one or more stimuli from the beings and events taking place at a particular moment, leaving others out. It is the information processing process that prevents being bombarded with stimuli. Focused Attention It is the ability of an individual to focus attention on a particular stimulus despite other distracting stimuli. The more a person concentrates on any entity or event with his/her senses, the easier it is to learn it and the harder it is to forget it. Divided Attention It is defined as the ability to perform multiple tasks simultaneously. It is the ability to direct attention to both tasks by dividing attention into two. Learning and remembering are difficult when paying attention to more than one stimulus. Sustained (Continuous) Attention It is not only the individual's ability to pay attention to something, but also his ability to maintain his main attention on that activity or stimulus. Being able to sustain attention on a stimulus until the end is very important to ensure learning. Many tasks we undertake in school life, professional life or social life require constant attention. We recommend that you consult clinical psychologists who are experts in this field regarding your children and people. Text Section Contains Compilations and Arrangements.
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