Lena Mama Yayıncılık

Our House Etiquette...

Our House Etiquette

Dear Colleague… My Dear Teacher… I have humbly tried to prepare the Etiquette (Etiquette) activities that were taught in our country in the 1960s and unfortunately are only partially included in our education curriculum today. Unfortunately, one of the issues we complain about most socially today is the moral exhaustion in our youth and children. The future belongs to our youth and children… We must make as much effort and effort as we can regarding our national and spiritual values.… I will try to continue our Etiquette (Etiquette) activities, which we prepared as three pages in the first stage. Our aim is to remind our children of our national spiritual values. For your advice and criticism; I welcome your advice to our address: say.mustafaturan@gmail.com… With the hope of raising moral, well-mannered generations who know themselves and their ancestors… Goodbye….
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