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PISA 2018 Türkiye Preliminary Report

PISA 2018 Türkiye Preliminary Report

What is PISA? It stands for “Program for International Student Assessment” PISA is a research conducted by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) that evaluates the knowledge and skills acquired by students in the 15-year-old group in three-year periods. What is the Purpose of PISA? The main purpose of PISA is to measure students' ability to use the knowledge and skills they learn at school in daily life. Also, getting to know our young people better; It is to reveal more clearly their desire to learn, their performance in courses and their preferences regarding learning environments. What Does PISA Measure? In PISA, students in the 15-year-old group who continue formal education at the end of compulsory education; Apart from the subject areas of Mathematics literacy, Science literacy and Reading Skills, data about students' motivations, opinions about themselves, learning styles, school environments and families are collected. "Literacy" used in PISA research. The concept of education is defined as finding, using, accepting and evaluating written resources to enable the student to develop his knowledge and potential and to participate and contribute to society more effectively. Who Is Conducted by PISA? PISA; It is an educational research study of the "Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development", whose short name is OECD. This research is carried out by the PISA Board of Directors, which is affiliated with the OECD Education Directorate. Processes such as development of tests and surveys used in the research, analysis, and preparation of the international report are carried out by a consortium determined under the supervision of the PISA Board of Directors. Translation and adaptation of PISA at the national level, implementation of the research, analysis and preparation of the national report are carried out by national centers determined in each country participating in the research. In Which Schools Is PISA Applied? Achievement tests and surveys developed within the scope of the PISA research are applied in our country in April. In the countries participating in the research; All schools with 15-year-old students enrolled in formal education (Middle School, Anatolian High School, Science High School, Social Sciences High School, Anatolian Fine Arts High School, Sports High School, Anatolian Imam Hatip High School, Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, Multi-Program Anatolian High School) were included in this research. can join. What is the purpose of our country participating in this research? In our globalizing world, in addition to national evaluation studies in the field of education, education indicators are needed to determine our position at the international level. For this reason, it is to determine the level of our country in the field of education according to certain reference points, the deficiencies that need to be eliminated and the measures to be taken. Our country, as a member of OECD, participates in this research in order to increase the level of education. Since when has PISA been implemented? Since which year has our country been participating in this research? PISA started to be implemented in 2000. Our country participated in the research, which is implemented in three-year periods, for the first time in 2003. What Question Types Are Used in PISA? In PISA; Different question types such as multiple choice, complex multiple choice, open-ended, and closed-ended are used. What Methods Are Used in the Selection of Schools and Students Participating in PISA? The selection process of schools and students who will participate in the PISA research is determined by the OECD using a random method. How is PISA implemented? Students participate in the survey application after the Computer-Based Assessment application. Where and how will the results of the PISA research be used? The results obtained from the PISA research are organized in a national report. These results are used to eliminate the deficiencies encountered in the development of educational programs and as a source for research in the field of education.
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