Lena Mama Yayıncılık

Poems for the Acceptance of our March 12 National Anthem

Article and Poem about the Acceptance of the National Anthem

Article and Poem about the Acceptance of the National Anthem POEM Mountains ringing with the National Anthem; Look, the cloud became invisible along the border. Ties that resemble the color of my country; That emerald stopped turning green. Yusuf MARDIN National War of Independence He organized a lyrics competition in 1921 in order to provide the opportunity to win in a spirit of harmony. A total of 724 poems participated in the competition. Mehmet Akif Ersoy said, "The nation's achievements cannot be praised with money." He did not want to participate in the competition because he was thinking about it. He participated in the competition with the invitation letter written to him by the Minister of Education, Hamdullah Suphi Bey, dated February 5, 1921. After Mehmet Akif Ersoy delivered the poem he wrote to the ministry, Hamdul­lah Suphi Bey decided that Akif's poem would first be read among the soldiers at the front. The poem, sent to the Western Front Command, was appreciated by the soldiers. The Independence March was published in Hakimiyet-i Milliye and Sebilürreşad newspapers on February 17, 1921, and twelve days later it appeared in Öğüt newspaper in Konya. The seven poems that passed the preliminary selection were put on the agenda at the parliamentary session chaired by Mustafa Kemal on March 12, 1921. Mehmet Âkif's poem was read by Hamdullah Suphi Bey at the parliamentary podium. When the poem was read, the MPs were so excited that it was not necessary to read the other poems. Despite the objections of some deputies, Mehmet Akif's poem was accepted with enthusiastic applause. Mehmet Akif donated the five hundred lira prize he won to Darülmesai, which was established to end poverty by teaching business to poor women and their children.
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