Religious Culture and Ethics Lesson Prayer Activity
Prayer is one of the basic worships commanded in our religion. One of the conditions of Islam is prayer. In our religion, it is obligatory to pray five times a day: morning, noon, afternoon, evening and night. Almighty Allah (swt) has commanded us to pray in many verses. For example, our Lord (c.c.) says in a verse, "(O Muhammad!) Tell my believing servants to perform the prayer..." he said. In another verse: “...Perform the prayer straightly; because prayer is an obligation upon believers at certain times.” He commanded us to pray. Our Prophet (pbuh) also said in one of his hadiths: "The key to heaven is prayer, and the key to prayer is cleanliness (ablution). " In another hadith, he was asked, "Which of the deeds is the best in the sight of Allah?" When asked, "Prayer performed on time..." He answered. Then, let us understand well the place and importance of prayer in our religion. Praying five times a day; Let us know that it is obligatory for every intelligent Muslim who has reached puberty.