Lena Mama Yayıncılık

Preschool MEB Guidance Activities

Preschool MEB Guidance Activities

A pool of Class Guidance Activities is prepared by the General Directorate of Special Education and Guidance Services in order to facilitate the implementation of our teachers in the process of providing students with the achievements in the Class Guidance Program updated by our Ministry of National Education in line with the 2023 Vision targets. In this context, you can access weekly sample activities that can be used during the implementation of the Class Guidance Program for primary school 1st grade and pre-school students who have started face-to-face education by clicking on the links below. In the process of providing students with the achievements in the Class Guidance Program updated by our Ministry of National Education in line with the 2023 Vision targets, In order to facilitate the application of our teachers, a pool of Class Guidance Activities is prepared by the General Directorate of Special Education and Guidance Services. In this context, you can access weekly sample activities that can be used during the implementation of the Class Guidance Program for primary school 1st grade and pre-school students who have started face-to-face education by clicking on the links below.
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