Lena Mama Yayıncılık



Books are sent to the prophets and prophecy is given to the Prophet. It ended with Muhammad (pbuh). Holy Quran Hz. It was sent down to Muhammad (pbuh). The Holy Quran is under the protection of Allah (swt). No one has the power to change our great book or distort its original form. Regarding this issue, Almighty Allah (c.c.) says: "We certainly sent down the Quran, and of course we will protect it." The process of downloading the Quran started on the Night of Power in the month of Ramadan in 610. After that, the verses of the Quran continued to be sent down to our Beloved Prophet (pbuh) at regular intervals. The Quran was completed in approximately twenty-three years. Gabriel (a.s.) brought the verses of the Quran to our Prophet (pbuh). For this reason, Gabriel (a.s.) is also called the angel of revelation. Verse, concept in the dictionary; It means trace, indication, sign, sign, artifact, clear sign, evidence, definitive proof, lesson. Religionî verse as a term; It refers to the divine words contained in the surahs, consisting of different numbers of letters and one or several sentences, separated by special signs at the beginning and end. The concept of sura is in the dictionary; high rank, glory, honor, high building, sections and floors of the building, etc. means. Religionî As a term, surah means each section of the 114 chapters of the Holy Quran, which are separated from each other by Bismillah. There are 114 surahs in our great book, the Quran. Like the verses, the lengths of the suras differ from each other. The longest sura in the Quran is Surah Baqara. Surah Baqara has 286 verses. The shortest sura is Surah Kawthar. This surah consists of 3 verses. The first sura of the Holy Quran is Al-Fatiha. The last sura is the Surah An-Nas.
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