Lena Mama Yayıncılık

Right and Left Brain Exercises-44

Right and Left Brain Exercises-44

The human brain completes its main development process by the age of 18. The human brain is divided into right and left hemispheres, depending on its behavior and thinking style, and controls different activities. provides. Methods such as training and exercise can be improved. 
The left brain is logical, the right brain is emotional. While the left brain attaches importance to mathematical subjects, the right brain attaches importance to art.

To develop the right brain in our children, we can draw pictures, play various musical instruments, read books, sing songs, play brain games and develop our imagination. You can improve it with our ideas.

To develop the left brain, you can solve math problems and puzzles, learn different languages and play chess. You can develop the left side of your brain by playing.

In the activities we have prepared, you can do exercises that will activate the right brain and left brain at the same time. 

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