Lena Mama Yayıncılık

Schulte Table Activities

Schulte Table Activities

Schulte Table was originally developed by the German psychiatrist and psychotherapist Walter Schulte. It was developed as a psychodiagnostic test to examine the characteristics of attention. Randomly distributed 
is a grid (usually 5x5) containing numbers or letters. Different sizes, colorful 
There are different variations with cells and values. 
     Schulte Table: Increases the speed of receiving and processing information. It also includes the environmental viewç 
also improves. In the Schulte Painting, you are asked to focus on the center of the painting. Close your eyes 
You need to find all the numbers or letters without moving them. Numbers from 1 to 25 
Or you need to find and select the desired ones consecutively in the table containing the letters.
Concentrate on number 17, located in the center of the square. Your goal is to find number 1 and 
is to find the remaining numbers in ascending order and fix your gaze on each one. 

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