Lena Mama Yayıncılık

Words with Confused Spelling Activity-15

Words with Confused Spelling Activity-15

Our daily spoken language, accents or mislearning have caused many words to be used incorrectly in Turkish. So much so that the correct words of some words may sometimes seem strange to us, mistakes are so ingrained in our language. Writing words correctly reveals a more serious attitude than showing knowledge of the rules of the Turkish language. This is important because it expresses a stance in terms of showing that a person does his job seriously, showing the importance and love he attaches to language, and making the other person feel the value you give. It is seen that our students have difficulty in spelling some words and make frequent mistakes. This situation may be caused by the existence of words that are contrary to the sound characteristics of Turkish, or it may be a mistake caused by the failure to internalize some spelling rules even though they are of Turkish origin. Writing words correctly reveals a more serious attitude than showing knowledge of the rules of the Turkish language. This is important because it expresses a stance in terms of showing that a person does his job seriously, showing the importance and love he attaches to language, and making the other person feel the value you give. The main reasons for misspelling words are; It is ignorance, carelessness and haste. Students may make mistakes in spelling words that they do not know the meaning of and rarely use. Such mistakes are frequently encountered in students who do not have the habit of using spelling guides and words. A series of activities I have prepared about some words that are frequently used both in written expression and in oral expression and whose spelling is confused.
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