Writing Abbreviations Activity
Turkish Lesson Writing Abbreviations Activity
Abbreviation; It is the expression and symbolization of a word, term or proper name in a shorter form with one or more of the letters it contains. The rules regarding abbreviations are:
Abbreviations of the names of organizations, books, journals and directions are generally made by capitalizing the first letter of each word: TBMM (Turkish Grand National Assembly), TDK (Turkish Language Association), USA (United States of America).
International abbreviations for elements and measurements are accepted: C (carbon), Ca (calcium), Fe (iron); m (meter), mm (millimeter), cm (centimeter), km (kilometer), g (gram)
Abbreviated word or group of words; If it is a proper name, title or rank, the first letter is capitalized; If it is a common noun, the first letter is lowercase: Alm. (German), Eng. (English), Kocatepe Mah. (Kocatepe District), Güniz Street. (Güniz Street), Prof. (Professor), Dr. (Doctor), Av. (Lawyer), Col. (Colonel), Gen. (General); pg. (adjective), pleasure. (prepared by), trans. (translated by), ed. (literature), physics. (physics), who. (chemistry) etc.
Abbreviations with a period at the end cannot be separated by apostrophes
Abbreviations ending in a hard consonant are not intoned when they take a suffix: AGİKin (not AGİĞin), CMUKun (not CMUĞun), RTÜKe (not RTÜĞe), TÜBİTAKın (not TÜBİTAĞın).
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